Grants In America LLC
Consumer Report


This is something that should not happen to people who are trying make a better living for their family. I put my trust into this company thinking I would have a chance to make a better living for my 5 children and I have a sick child, and this is the thanks I get. You will pay for what you did, GOD is looking and he will get you.

Company: Grants In America LLC
Country: USA
State: DC
ZIP: 20016
Address: 4410 Massachusetts Avenue N. W., Suite #328
Phone: 8663026475
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Florida DCF
DCF takes child from a deaf mother because there were roaches in the apartment

I hate dealing with a cheat

Northwestern Valley Financial
Poison of America

Grants In America LLC
Consumer Report

Wayne County Friend Of The Court
No Chance At All ripoff

Texas Dept. Of Child Protective Services

Communications Publishing
They stold my money, it was $23.90 and they have not yet sent me anything and it's been well over a month and a half, since they cashed the check, ripoff

Photographs by Chris
Christina See Took pictures of our small child and put on child pornography boards! Beware!

James Spillman AKA Marty Spillman Child Abuser
Child Molester Stalker Sicko Zanes Ville Logan, Kentucky

VINCENT PATRICK Dba Workflow, Customer Acquisition, Mortgage Workflow, CRM Workflow
VINCENT PATRICK-Workflow, Customer Acquisition, Mortgage Workflow, CRM Workflow Vincent Patrick Ripped off Lots of Consumers... Don't trust him he will take your check and run with it!