EMZ Shopping
Future Command paid to shop, why not! This seemed a fun thing to do. Wrong!


This was supposed to be a fun way to make some extra money for my family, try some new products and for someone who doesn't do a lot of shopping, a chance to get to know some stores I don't normally buy from. You are only offered a 7 day trial and I soon found it was not so easy. This was with Future Command in Newark, Delaware. I cancelled 6 days after signing & didn't mind losing $2.95. Then I was charged $49.95 the day after I cancelled!

I thought I would try one more shoppers program, Olive Response, also in Newark, Delaware and registered for $3.95. Again I was disappointed and cancelled 6 days afterwards and was again charged seven days later $49.95!!! This morning my husband was checking my credit card activity for me and low and behold another company EMZ shopping charged me $49.95!!! Looks like the Nigerian Scam drama but this one is right in our back door. Please take note of these companies all operating from Newark, Delaware and shut them down.

Company: EMZ Shopping
Country: USA
State: Delaware
Phone: 18008305823
Site: emzshopping.com
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Consumer Report

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Shopping Essentials9500
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Extra Money Zone Shopping
Scam. They fail to issue my refund. The copy links from other jobs website and claim its their job. Its a scam