Law Firm of Malbach & Schmelze
Consumer Report


Aug 5,1012
I was interested that at least one other person wrote a complaint against this "so called law firm". I was suspicious to begin with but thought I would check it out on line. Sure enough there is
is a complaint. My letter was dated July 11. Basically stated that they are representing the Prosperous Millionaire Entrepreneurs (A.P.M.E.) which is probably a non exsistent organization to begin with. Of course they are NOT located in the US so there isn't much a person can do about it, which is why they make sure they are not located here. It is interesting
isn't it how they seem to just KNOW how you need
money and they are going to help you out and all that bunch of garbage. To bad there really isn't anyplace that a person could get some help when you have no money to buy groceries, or pay any bills. That's why they do it-to take advantage of
people that really DO need fact in my letter they even enclosed a page with five so called testimonials and a letter that was supposed
to have been from a Professor Rodenfeld-I was just
wondering, did yours have the letter in it also?
And did they also talk about the "7 secrets of wealth?"
SUCKS!!! REALLY does, I know because I really could use some money to.
I don't know if these overseas countrys have any
laws against this stuff or not. Oh yes.By the way. Is yours from "The Netherlands?" Just wondered.
If anyone reading this has received any letters, requests for $50.00 or $55.00 from a law firm in the Netherlands stating that you have won money-Please post your experience here so we can make the public aware of this scam!

Thanx-Ms. Wisconsin

Company: Law Firm of Malbach & Schmelze
Country: USA
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Law Firm of Maibach & Schmelze
Consumer Report

Law Firm of Maibach & Schmelze
Consumer Report

Global-link Lotto
Ripoff trying to scam me out of money netherlands