TWX Magazine
Consumer Report


Unauthorized withdrawl from my checking account. I never accepted this subscription. There was never a subscription renewal or any type of notification that there will be a withdraw from my account. I dont know where they even got my account number from.

Company: TWX Magazine
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Stamford
ZIP: 06905
Address: 225 High Ridge Road, East Building
Phone: 8002059198
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TWX Magazine Service
Fraudulent credit card charges for unwanted magazine subscription Ripoff

Magazine Billing Network
False magazine renewals

The Hearst Corporatrion - Invoicing Bureau
Magazine Illegal Renewal

TWX Magazine / Synapse Group, Inc
TWX Magazine Subscription Rip-off / Synapse Group, Inc Manages Unauthorized automatic bank charge for magazine subscription renewal Staford, Connecticut Laura Spawn
Takes money out of your bank account for subscription renewal without notifying you first or giving you opportunity to unsubscribe

North Shore Agency
NSA Sent Collection Agency Notification For Magazine Subscription Not Renewed

GC Services Limited Partnership
GC Services & Hearst Publishing double-billing ripoff of magazine subscriptions
Unauthorized renewal

Fitness Magazine
Fraudulent subscription—I NEVER ordered it

Publisher's Periodical Service
Sent multiple subscriptions