Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report


We have received three bills from this company everytime we have called and asked for a copy of paperwork that we signed authorizing their services everytime they said they faxed it to us we never received any faxes from them. Today we received a copy in the mail from them it has a signature on it but it does not match the managers signature. The bill they sent us is for $1308.00. When we call the number that is on the bill it rings an overseas ring and the people that answer have a very heavy european accent. Somebody catch them please

Company: Yellow Pages America, Inc
Country: USA
State: Panama
City: Panama City
ZIP: 01310
Address: Punta Pacifica 15th Floor
Phone: 5073014841
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Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America
Consumer Report

Yellow Pagea
Nationwide. America's pride rip off! Beware! Misleading & false advertising, fraudulent billing

Yellow Pages Americam
Consumer Report