AA Chem-Dry of North Jersey
Daniel Kramer/owner AVOID LIKE THE PLAGUE!


This unscrupulous businessman arrives in your time of need, promises to do the complete job for your insurance pay-out minus your deductable and THEN, months later sends you padded invoices. If you refuse to pay his overcharges, he sends the bill to a collection agency and then a lawyer. He also uses your signed blank "work order" against you by filling in the prices AFTER the fact, and presenting this signed contract in court as his evidence against you. This falsified document has all his bogus charges AND your signature on it.

Avoid this company like the plague!!!

Company: AA Chem-Dry of North Jersey
Country: USA
State: New Jersey
City: Ringwood
Address: 130 Skyline Drive, PMB100
Phone: 8006961930
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AA Chem-Dry of North Jersey
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AA Chem-Dry of North Jersey
Overcharge rip-off artist

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AA Chem Dry/Dan Kramer Owner/Oper
The owner/company takes advantage from the moment they set foot on your property. Everything from setting prices based on insurance coverage, to exaggerating prices upon invoicing, then bullies and i

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