Consumer Grocery Advantage
Consumer Report


Like so many others, my husband was duped into signing up for the "$2000 in grocery vouchers." We waited a few months and nothing ever came in the mail. Then, out of nowhere, we were hit with 2 charges of 29.95 for savings clubs he never agreed to. Thankfully, the CSR at our bank was able to call both companies (I assume CGA sold our info to them) and get those charges reversed. Thinking the ordeal was over, we didn't cancel my husband's debit card. Bad idea. Today, we have a pending amt of 9.99 list as CGA. We called the number listed next to the pending charge and it goes to an automated line with several options including one to request a refund. It states that all you need to do is e-mail the billing dept and request the refund. We'll the meantime, we have cancelled his debit card so they will not be able to steal any more of our money. This whole ordeal has been a nightmare. Something should be done to these companies... Lawsuit at the minimum... Complete shutdown would be better.

Company: Consumer Grocery Advantage
Country: USA
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