Vacation Time-Share & Rentals-Hilton Head Island
John? Ripped Off a great-grandma


These people really know how to to talk to you to make things sound great. People listen to me, an old great-grandma, don't give put your credit card number to talking sales people.

They told me we don't make enough money, so they said they will tear up my credit number! Yeah right after they use it & charge me. I don't know why I let them talk me it to giving them my credit card #, I thought knew better, but I guess not.

Company: Vacation Time-Share & Rentals-Hilton Head Island
Country: USA
State: South Carolina
City: Daytona, Ormond, Hilton-Head Is, and, S>C>
Phone: 8668514141
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Credit Card Fraud

Hilton Head Island
The Westin Illegal Aliens in

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Deceptive timeshare sales

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Bait and Switch

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Time Share

Coral Resorts Hilton Head S.C
Promised to purchase another time share we had. Lied. They would rent out our owners week, giving us the money, LIED

Hilton Head Guest Services, Hilton Head Vacation Play
Hilton Head Guest Services Charged my debit card without my permission!

Coral Resorts Hilton Head
Claimed I was buying 3 bed room time share ALL LIES