United Bank of Africa
Consumer Report


Dear Peter D. Baker,
We thank you for your your response to our mail, we the entire member and board of United Bank For Africa (UBA) understand your motive and your active response and we are here to make sure the succesfullness of our dear able beneficiaries is for sure, and we will like you to co-operate with us to make the transfer a success and we have assisr you to receive the transfer successfully over there in your cuntry and as soon as you receive, you send the balance to us, you can send the $100 Dollars tomorrow in your time so that the transfer can take place suceessfully,

And here are the receivers Details
We await your prompt response
Davide J.

Company: United Bank of Africa
Country: USA
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Claiming To Be United Bank Of Africa Plc (U.B. A)
SCAMers pretending to be a bank paying Americans back for being scamed, see flowing adress, United Bank Of Africa Plc (U.B. A)

Barclay Bank PLC
Money transfer

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Fredy. Sumat@marble. Ocn. Ne. Jp
Consumer Report

Webco Payment Office
I am consistantly getting these offers some have been very threatning, telling me not to report or go to fbi or else. Always want my personal info for this big winfall of money I am just getting tired of it.internet

Consumer Report

Barr. Stevenson Gerald Esq
Ripoff Another person claiming they can give 11 million dollars South Africa south africa

Vanessa Banks
Sending me a check, I cash it at my bank then Western Union to UK

Consumer Report