Consumer Report


I ordered a free sample of african mango and metaburn back in march/april, the only cost to me APPARENTLY was suppose to be the postage fees. Ever since the first delivery i have been charged for every product sent. I have tried unsubscribing, and that dont word either! This is costing me a fortune on my credit card. For future people trying FREE samples, my advise is DONT

Company: NowYourAreTrim
Country: USA
Phone: 8557734210
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African Mango Metaburn
Consumer Report

African Mango Metaburn
Consumer Report

African Mango Metaburn
Consumer Report

African Mango Metaburn
Consumer Report

African Mango Metaburn
Consumer Report

African Mango Metaburn
Consumer Report

AdvMetaBill / ExtMangoBill
Consumer Report

African Mango Metaburn
Consumer Report

African Mango Metaburn
Consumer Report

African Mango Metaburn
Consumer Report