ITT Professionals LLC
Consumer Report


I received a call from Samantha Davis, 321-746 2898 who said she was with the "property" that I had posted with a Marketing and Listing Co. And that they had sold my timeshares for a full price of $24,500. This sale was made from a listing that had been posted several years ago she said. She explained how I should set up a 24 hour escrow account for $6998 right away and execute a bank transfer to TD Bank, Orlando and the account of ITT Professionals LLC. I was then to call them with the confirmation number of the transfer, so they could get me my money as soon as possible. She provided me with routing and account numbers for the transacton.

I confirmed with the property that I was no longer on any deed for the timeshare and had warranty deeds and letter of confirmation to that effect.

I pulled up ITT Professionals, LLC on a search and found a complaint from someone who acted on a similar call. I then tried to get an idea of the company profile.

Later that day I received a call from ITT Professionals LLC asking for the confirmation number of the bank transfer. I told them that I was no longer an owner and could verify that. I have not heard from them since. Very smooth operation but a little suspect. The time share experience had cost me enough already, I was not about to blindly accept this "windfall."

Company: ITT Professionals LLC
Country: USA
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ITT Professionals, LLC 1-888-519-3349
Consumer Report

ITT Professionals Time Share Sales
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