Consumer Report


I canceled this order I decided that I didn't want it. They also charge me for the order when there was supposed to be a free trial. They also charge me with shipping charges after stating that they were free.

Company: Ibi*tresensa
Country: USA
State: California
City: El Segundo
ZIP: 90245
Address: 2301 Rosecrans Avenue Suite 1150
Phone: 8665142554
Site: trysensa.com
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Tell you 10.99 but really 24.97, no chance to review before charge

As seen on tv watch out for this ripoff!

Gojohands free
Consumer Report

Shipping Charges Ridiculous And Are A Scam
Consumer Report

Free shipping scam

Experian Information Solutions
Experian Credit Reporting - Ripoff Deceptive Advertising

Fossil, Fossil watches, Fossil.com Fossil.com charges express and does not ship, and double charge your credit card

Res v Max
Unauthorized charges

Max Colon, AC Berry, Pure Berry: FWN Labortories
Max Colon, AC Berry, Pure Berry Won't cancel order!

Biolabs Resveratrol
Free Trial Rip-Off Internet