Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report


The "company" sends a fax solicitation asking for business details for their listing. No fee or charge is stated. They then send a second fax asking for a signature. Again no fee or charge. I believe they actually "doctor" the documents to combine the signature with a "contract" document. They are misleading and do not clearly indicate any fee or charge. I believe they are 100% fraudulent.

Company: Yellow Pages America, Inc
Country: USA
State: Panama
City: Panama City
ZIP: 01310
Address: Punta Pacifica 15th Floor
Phone: 5073014841
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Yellow Pages Directories
Fraudulent advertising misleading billing misleading services Ripoff Carrollton Texas

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Allied Telephone Directories Yellow Pages
Misrepresented themselves using deceptive walking fingers logo, deceived me into signing for bogus listing, charging me $297

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pagea
Nationwide. America's pride rip off! Beware! Misleading & false advertising, fraudulent billing

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages America, Inc
Consumer Report