Consumer Report


On june i was charged the typical phony automatic charge to amex 39.95, wich i never agreed to in the first place, i called to cancel and they asked me for my first 4 number of credit card and the las 4. So i was assured that i was going to be refunded i trusted them, some how i lost the email they send me. So when i et my new statement from credit card i get a penalty for not paying. Total charge is 65.61. I callthem and of course now they want docmentation, wich i dont have. He tell me that they have on record an email about in april when they told me i was going to be charged on an aotomatic renwal, since i was over my 60day limit cancelation he could not do anything about it. I never agreed to anything of ts nature. Its seems really fhishy they can keep the email from april, but they dont keep the one when i canceled in june statement. I see the scam is in charging people without a real approval, and they still insist in selling ou more services after im complaining of this frasudalent tipe of bussiness. This is a modern ripoff.

Company: Stopzilla
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
ZIP: 33431
Address: 2200 NW 2nd Ave, Suite 201
Phone: 5615866055
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Berman Investment Group
Ripoff, Promised to charge my credit card $14.90, but charged me $99.90

Ripoff Sugarcraft you authorize one amount and they charge another try to say UPS charged it not them

CIC*Triple Advanta
Unauthorized Charges

Consumer Report

Watchindia. tv
Cheats Customers

Cellan doesn't follow agreements, and charges credit card without consent

Fraudulent charge of credit card

Liberty power
Costs you more money& screwed me over
Unauthorized credit card charges -
Charged for services not completed