Consumer Report


I am writing about a scam by Tekworx, on the 4th of July I received a call from a lady called Mandy from your company Tekworxs

Saying that they are a recruitment agency and they have jobs where I could earn between £20,000 to £25,000, and that she is looking at my CV on her screen and that I should come in for a job interview where they can put me in a job.

She made an appointment with me for 2pm the next day, and kept calling me to 'remind' of the appointment. When I got there, I was told by a Leena that Mandy is not available which I found very tacky. She took me to a room and told me I could not get a job in the UK unless I did the ECDL with them, and that they have plenty of jobs to offer but I should pay £1500 for the training, so they can arrange interviews for me as they have done for so many others, she showed me a result board of about 50 of her candidates that now have jobs. Leena told me that Tekworx was offering a 30% discount which will end on that day, and they have just 3 chances left in the offer and I will miss out if I do not pay immediately, which was what made me pay in haste. I told her I can only afford £400 pounds which was about all I had in my account but since she made me believe I could get a job within a week and she assured me that Tekworx has job offers I quickly paid at 2.11pm, I have the receipt of my payment by my debit card.

I paid £400 deposit and signed a direct debit form to pay the remaining balance for the training having seen only the paperwork describing the course before I had any sight of the contract paperwork or the terms of payment. Following my payment Leena told me INDUCTION would now follow. It was only then that she brought all the documents for signing with the other paperwork. This gave me the impression it was the training induction and when I was asked to sign the papers all I had in my mind was I was signing for an induction

Company: Tekworxs
Country: USA
State: London
City: London
Address: 117 Houndsditch
Phone: 02070158980
Site: tekworx.org.uk
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Consumer Report

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