Felix Reynoso
Consumer Report


This person had an annoument on Craiglist saying he needed a personal assitant then he sent me this email.

My profile:
I am Felix A Reynoso, a sculptor by profession. I'm seeking for an effective and efficient Person that will see to my personal and business errands at his/her spare time that might not collide with your full-time main job. I have clients spread all over The States and in different parts of Europe. I relocated to the UK about 2 years ago as the market down here is more rewarding than that in the States. However, I am trying to keep business going as usual with my old time customers back in the States. The old English adage goes "make new friends but keep the old, one is silver the other gold". This is why I need the services of someone who can help keep up to date with all of my activities when I'm away and amidst my busy schedule.

The successful applicant will be saddled with responsibility of receiving my mails and drop them off at UPS, shop for gifts, bill payment (pay bills on my behalf), sit for delivery (at your home) or pick items up at nearby post office at your convenience. Please note that you are being hired only on a personal basis. All correspondence would be made and promptly reported to me personally. The position is part time and home-based meaning you can work most times from your home as long as you have regular internet access. You will be hired on a trial basis for now until I am able to see how well we fit in. However, this does not affect your weekly wage. Most of your activities will be carried out locally and packages will be delivered via post. You will be actively involved in my personal, business and financial life.in summary, your activities as my Personal Assistant amongst other things will include;

* Running personal errands, supervisions and monitoring.
* Organizing and maintaining diaries, memos and making appointments.
* Dealing with incoming email, faxes and post.
* A personal reminder for Schedules, programs, flights and keeping me up to date with them as they come up.
* Arranging travel and accommodation.
* Acting as an alternative telephone correspondence.
* Handling and monitoring financial activities.
* Making regular contacts and drop-offs on my behalf.
* Processing and taking charge of weekly payments and purchases.
* General clerical activities.

Basic wage is $450 a week. (Pay increases after the trail period to $700)

Any personal expenses (transport, gas, etc) incurred by you while on an errand or otherwise will be reimbursed by me at the end of each working week. This position is flexible and it is difficult judging the exact number of hours you will be working. The 1099 tax system shall be applied. There will be busier weeks than others with a steady pay. However, compensation will be given for outstanding performance at my discretion. Working with me is basically about taking instructions, following them and keeping correspondence with me at all times. I understand that calling long distance from the States costs a fortune, but you don't have to worry about that. Just shoot me a mail and I'll call you as soon as I get to read your mail.instructions on all assignments to be carried out will be given promptly, so you can schedule yourself to be available to carry out the assignment promptly. There is also a very sensitive issue on trust, dedication and accountability which I believe will resolve itself as time goes on.

I have a number of things you could help me with immediately, prior to my arrival. I should be back in the States in the next six weeks and will schedule a proper meeting with you upon my arrival to clarify the duties you will be carrying out for me if your application is accepted. Perhaps you're interested in the offer, get back to me with the following details.

Full Name:
Full Contact Address:
Zip Code:
Phone Number (H):
Phone Number (M):
Occupation (if any):
Age (Optional):

Hope to hear from you soon.

Felix A Reynoso
CALL/TEXT: (323) 570-4173

After that i was "hired" and i received a check to my house for $2,000 and he asked me to deposit to my account and send him the money by western union.
I deposited the check and i received a letter from the bank saying the check was a fraud the bank charged me $12 for depositing the check with no funds and this person disappeared.

Please be careful.

Company: Felix Reynoso
Country: USA
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