Quality Mist
Consumer Report


I ordered a bottle of cologne through this company that had advertized to sell it for shipping and handling costs of $5.99. I did not agree to pay an additional $95.00 which they have taken out of my account. This is scamming, fraud, ulent advertising, and downright stealing since I did not agree to pay that amount. Do not buy from this company, they are rip-offs!!!

Company: Quality Mist
Country: USA
State: California
City: Burbank
ZIP: 91504
Address: 101 Victory Blvd, Suite L #145
Phone: 8663574048
Site: qualitymist.com
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Quality Mist
Consumer Report

Quality Mist
Consumer Report

Casual Mist
Consumer Report

Quality Mist
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Quality Mist
Consumer Report

Quality Mist
Consumer Report

Quality Mist
Consumer Report

Quality Mist
Consumer Report

Nutra Lane Fraud - Res Ver XP (2 units)