Consumer Report


This company put $500.00 into my checking account without my permission on 5/25. I was looking for a loan back then and gave many loan companys my personal information but did not agree to terms with this one. I just recently was looking at my checking account and they drew money on my account (6/1 $75.00) (6/15 $150.00) (6/29 $150.00) and tryed drawing on my account 7/12 causing me none suficant funds -157.00.

Company: VipLoanShop
Country: USA
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USA Credit
Unauthorized Charges

Usa Credit-web Id: 9commonwth
This company attempted to make an unauthorized withdraw from my checking account for $149.95 east coast

Mycash Guardian
Illegally and fraudulently debited my checking account for $29.95 without my permission or knowledge

Pay Me Loan Company
1911 Desert Lane Pay me loan / Gen X withdrew electronically withdrew money from my checking account without permission really a fraud

Freedom subscription
This company went into my checking account and submitted a check for $8.98 the check had all the wrong information on it such as my street address which is not on my current checks

Usacredit withdrew money from my account $149.95 without my permission, no products received yet

LastChancecash Adv Payday Loan
This company STOLE MONEY from my checking account, they had been doing it since Nov. 2008 Austin

Palm Loan Advances
Stoled my checking account information -took $30.00 out of my account - without my authorization -made my account in the negative because I did not have an extra $30.00 in my checking - I am very upse

Usa Credit
Watch out they take 149.99 out off checking account with out permission On-line

Payday Loan Resource Center - -
Idins autopay has taken out some kind of autopay from my checking account