Choice Strategic Solutions
Consumer Report


I was called 7-11 and was told that I would make $10,000.00 a month. I didn't have to do anything. Back when the President gave money to banks to help small business, and they didn't give it to them...'they' could now buy them for $10.00 and finance the people who wanted the money in the first place, and then I was told they have machines that they sell to companies, and everytime they use it, I get 2%. (I can't believe I fell for this) Anyway, after giving them $500.00, another gentleman called and said now I have to buy my leads, or contracts...$2000.00 and he would match it!!! In the beginning they said I have 60 days, or I could have my money back. Well, I'm waiting...

Company: Choice Strategic Solutions
Country: USA
State: California
City: Anaheim Hills
ZIP: 92808
Address: 8181 Kaiser Blvd
Phone: 7149198101
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Makita Auto
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F Marletomg, Limited LLC Total con and riip off of an ederly lady

Choice Stratgic Solutions
Consumer Report

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