Walkfit Platiumj Foot Ortatics
Consumer Report


To whoum it may concern my credit card was compramised and i want to cancel the order for the procduct i spoke to customer service they said they cant cancel and not send a cancel order to shipping to dept what kind of company is this once again please do not send out any order to my home address it is awaste of money and time
iam contactacthing you to save time and money oh by the way i have apair of ortahics now so do the math please cancel this order to my home at 1904 richmond road staten isalnd new york 10306 my name is ronald ruman my credit card has been cancelled by the bank lets work to gether
thank you
ronald ruman 7183511943 rrudman3@verizon.net

Company: Walkfit Platiumj Foot Ortatics
Country: USA
State: California
City: Van Nuys
ZIP: 91409
Address: P.O. Box 9169
Phone: 8182172000
Site: walkfitplatinum.com
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Walkfit review - Walkfit

Walkfit Platinum
Unauthorized Charges

Over charge, slow database, charged for items not ordered, walkfit

WalkFit Platinum, LLC
Overbilling, not receiving what I ordered, cheap product

Formerly Phase4 Fraudulent use of my credit card Internet

Foot Locker
Foot locker order wrong sneakers - AF1 LO BL/BL

CompuDeals2U.com and More4lessDigital.com
Consumer Report

Will not cancel order, deceptive tactics to secure credit card info change rules

Forever Lazy
Doubled order & quadrupled shipping

Furniture Fix
Did not allow to review orde