MGM Quality Mist
Consumer Report


Please be on the look out for scams while on the internet. Sorry people like the one who scam me are waiting on you. And they stole my bank acct. And charge 95.00 on my acct. They made it a monthly bank draft, so please be careful, it's a shame how people just sit back and steal hard working folk money, I pray they get caught soon.

Company: MGM Quality Mist
Country: USA
State: California
City: Burbank
ZIP: 91504
Address: 101 Victory Blvd, Suite L #145
Phone: 8663574048
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Compact Box Balors And Conveyer
Rip-off! Unfair charges

Wells Fargo Bank
Fraudulent, ripoff

Free Up Cash - The Unemployment Advisor
Found a charge of $30 on my bank statement. Called corresponding phone number/said they would return the money to my 3 to 5 days. We'll see. Don't know how or where they got my

Unified Services

Lean Rx
Ripoff My bank acct. Was charged 79.95 without my approval. I was ripped off

Ripoff unauthorized debit form my personal bank account never heard of this company before and they are taking my money with out my say or knowledge if I didn't keep a close eye on my bank acct Online Based internet

Grant University-IWB Club
Thieving Crooks, Torturing me, Emptying my Acct

Mass St. Group
Consumer Report

Easy Saver
They stole my money

Money Plus Save
Consumer Report