Sam Hallimond Freedom Advocacy and Law
James Moore, Paul Randell-Jolliffe and Kevin Bull Paid monies for Legal Advocacy and Class Action which turned out to be a fraud


I paid Freedom Advocacy and Law Sam Hallimond, James Moore Paul Randell-Joliffe for legal advocacy as the UK Social Services were trying to adopt my son. All three promised me the earth but delivered nothing. I paid over a thousand euros to Mr Samuel Ethan Hallimond for him to fly over from Spain and represent me in Court. He did not arrive. I tried on dozens of occasions to contact him but he either ignored my calls or just came up with excuses and told me that if I did not pay more monies has he now owned my case and all the paperwork no-one else would be able to represent me. I paid him a further 500.00 euros, some of which was for my name to be included on the Class Action Suit at the Hague. I later learned that this was all a con.

Http:// Moore/articles/-3x21JRrJnu/can offically say Freedom Advocacy Law Sam

I can offically say that Freedom Advocacy and Law and Sam Hallimond and James Moore are Con MerchantsBy Colby on March 5 | From colbydaddy. Blogspot. ComI can OFFICIALLY today say that the whole of freedom advocacy and law are all con merchants, I left because I heard them discussing the amount of money they had been making of "suppose to be doing paperwork but never did it" and not just that but also that Sam Hallimond and James Moore also changed their names because they had bailiffs at the door so thought it would be easier than facing them, as that is not their original names,

It was 4:22am about 8 months ago when Sam Hallimond, Paul Randall-Joliffe, James Moore and Kevin Bull were discussing this, Sam also said that he was dealing with a case to do with Derby County Football Club and after checking as I actually knew who the manager use to be I can say that it is all bull shit, and also this strange call that is from Erin brochvic as well, ermm hello like she would be interested in them.

Not to mention that they are saying they are doing this class action, again so why is there no positive proof of this except a "could be faked letter" that the courts have accepted a letter from them to ask about it, and no serial number on it as there would be if there was a real class action, also people really need to look properly and think how is it that Sam and whoever can keep coming from Spain and going back for "his" case to do with his daughter? And also how is him his son and partner still living over there if he is not fleecing people given that there is no benefit system in Spain except child care.

I lost my case and my son was forcefully adopted by the UK Government.

Be warned everyone do not buy services from these con men they are all sick and evil and prey on the vulnerable and desperate.

Company: Sam Hallimond Freedom Advocacy and Law
Country: USA
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