Jail Call Solutions LLC
Consumer Report


First of all want everyone to know DON"T USE JAIL CALL SOLUTIONS.
They are getting FREE MONEY. I figured out that they use Google voice which is a FREE local phone number provider. You can sign up for it for FREE and get your own local number. What Jail call does is Have you pay them, they make FREE money, then they use an email and sign up for a FREE google voice account and obtain a local number to foward to your number. All of this is obsolutely FREE. You can use google voice for FREE yourself. Jail call, Then says once a number is activated that you can't get a refund, you sign up for a 1 hour activation - It takes 10 mins yourself.

When there is technical issues Jail call can't fix it because its technical issues with google Voice not them. You will never get a phone call back and takes for ever to email you back and when they do email you back its information that doesn't solve anything.

If you want to get ahold of them, Make up a fake email and sign up with them. When they call tell them that you want that one cancelled and already have an account and give them the invoice number. The only time they call is when they think there going to get a new customer. You can even use different names so they don't catch on. You will get ahold of them everytime.

Help me pass on this sham of a company who's making it rich for using a free service.
Cope this and paste to other websites so people are aware that their paying for something that they can get for free.

If you want to use google voice go to google.com and enter google voice to take you there and sign up. Oh also i realized that it your google account keeps going to voicemail instead of ringing, trying adding 2 phones so both will ring, then you can answer one. Preferably a cell phone and house phone. It works. That's how I got mine to work.

Good luck.

Company: Jail Call Solutions LLC
Country: USA
Site: jailcallsolutions.com
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Jail Call Services
Consumer Report

Jail Call Services
Consumer Report

Jail Call Services
Consumer Report

Jail Call Solutions
Consumer Report

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Google is worst

Jail Call Solutions
Consumer Report

Google Rich With Google
Get SCAM ONLINE - this has nothing to do with Google, Get Google Rich With Google just the company marketing them giving Google a bad name!

Consumer Report