Teddy Woods
Consumer Report


Met mr woods on mingle2.com in late febuary this man swept me off me feet i won't go into much detail about things but here is my story we emailed everyday sometimes up to three four times we messaged each other over400.00 in text messages, he told me he was texas was in south africa on an oil field contract was going to be there for a few more months and than would just fly to utah to meet me and spend time with me if things worked out we would go from there with the future, the gifts started coming they where all very expensive gifts who would do this unless they had money i thought, than afew weeks later the stories started they got robbed, couldn't eat the food had to by new clothes so forth and i belived every word at this point i had sent so much money by this point that it didn't matter cause he had money when he got to the states that he could get to cause his wallet got stolen during the attack this made great sence to me it was always something and by this time i was so head over hills that i just was finding money borrowing it pawening things doing what ever to be able to send money to this man ok so now its the time i had been waiting for prayed for everyday and he was finally coming, well he left from negiera and than i didn't here from here so i got on line to figure out what could of happened immergration had him that is all i could think of well a few days went by and i finally hear from him he was held up from immergration there was a problem with the visa i had just sent money to make sure it was all good ok so now he has to rebook his flight and so i paid for his flight now i have borrowed 100"s but i did this in love lol well he never picked the ticket up which mind you was no refundable ok so now i'm freaking out i don't hear from him for weeks and than here comes a text message you need to hear me out you have no idea what has happened and if you really ever loved me you would give me a chance to explain so at the very begining of this he told me he was born and raised in south africa his parents both deceased so now the immergration has pulled him out of JFK because his father worked for the goverment and he owened lots of property and they needed to get this all taken care of lots of money to be giving ok so now im very in love this man keeps in touch with me he doesn't just want money from me he has money now i was very quick to tell him i would never send him money ever again, the next letter from him he has maliara and can not leave till he was better how my heart sunk he is in the hospital this went on for a couple weeks and the hospital had to be paid before he could leave which his friend john whom i had sent all the money to because teddy had no i. D was taking care of the bill thank goodness he needs no money the goverment is taking care of the flight from the city as to what he is in now oh this man is really for real my family and freinds have no idea what they are talking about he is on his way soon well 10days later onlly 100.00 dollars away from the bill being taken care of and John just can't come up with the money ok whats 100.00 dollars {lots when you live off 900.00 a month} ok i will send it just want for him to be here so we can start our happy peaceful life as planned because by this point may we are living together and we are going to be the happiest couple in the state of Utah. Well here we are almost July and he is still not here haven't heared from him and out another 100.00 wow there is so many little details to this storie remember this took only from Feb, this year to the first week of july to all transpose amazing how he found me swept me off my feet said all the things girls love to hear sent gifts on and on my lesson in all this is if ever you are on a website of any kind because there are 100s of them out there if ever you are asked for money no matter the amount run run run if they tell you they are going to inherant money and they have none or very little and won't have none till this is all taking care run run run if i can save one person from this happening to them it would make everything i have gone threw worth it my sister said to me one day you know you always hear about this happening to people you just don't have some in family have this happen to the reason for that is because when you allow this to happen to you it is embarrassing degrading and the last thing you want anyone to know about so i went threw all the emotions and i here to say this can happen to anyone rich or poor these type of people do not care who they get money from or what a person losses i lost my roof over my head and guess what im the only one here to deall with it not my knight in shinning armore

Company: Teddy Woods
Country: USA
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