Facebook Award Certificate
Consumer Report


10th of june received a txt message saying i had been selected as a finalist for a facebook promo gig and needed to respond to mr david buckley on that email address, hethen sent a certifacate saying had won and to contact bank, contacted mr surasak pong whom forwarded a bank account to open for deposit had to give all nessecary details as tho a normal bank account, did transfer and found out had to obtain codes and each code cost $ but was necessary i was told to fit in with all the legalities of international banking, the total fee for transfer codes was $6440, just to find when receive the finalised receipt number that the ministry of finance suspends the transfer and sends a official letter stating i would need to pay 1% of winnings to release the money as tax or they would report me for tax evasion, when i told mr pong i had nothing to hide for tax so report me he strongly suggested i pay the 7500, when i stated no i dont have that kind $ he offered to go in with me to finilise the transaction... At the completion of this with ministry of finance i was then told by mr pong i could not get the $ yet as had to have me sign papers personnally from the ministry so it was sent express dhl which required more $ upfront and the papers never arrived, mr pong informed me on my enquiry as i had taken time off work to sign thesse so important papers, that customs in australia had held the parcel for a reason beyond comprehension and that mr pong would have to go to a lawyer get a sworn affidavit i was me and it again would cost me $ but that would be the last... I said enough! I want receipt for dhl. I never got one mr pong got offended and refused to talk to me anymore... When i next checked my emails my inbox and file of the correspondence with these guys had been deleted... Nasty!!

Company: Facebook Award Certificate
Country: USA
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