Plant Manager Mcdonough Ga Ecolab Jerry.


Jerry Quigley (04/17)

I've been plant manager at Ecolab Mcdonough for a little over a year now, and one thing I don't tolerate is any associate thinking they can come in and run my plant the way they think they want to. When I was hire on as plant manager I promised Ecolab that I would put all my cards on the table and make the right choices on all the right moves to win. That means whatever it takes to win. Thats what I was hired for. My staff of supervisors report every detail situation daily througout each shift to me. Unlike like the last plant manager I will not put up with any non-sense. As a minor league ball player I'm use to being a team player, so stand in my way and I'll crush you. Blacks know where I stand and what I expect out of them. Thats why I've created lead jobs so other blacks can keep them in line. This means during company meetings and so forth. Ecolab gives me the bull whip and I plan on using it as I see forth. So thats just what I'm about. Getting the job done with pride, passion and a We Can Do It Attitude. Know matter who I destroy.

Company: Ecolab/Quigley
Country: USA
State: Georgia
Address: 261 S hwy 155 Mcdonough Georgia
Phone: 7709544529
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Ecolab - Carla Smith
Jerry Quigley - Penny Jones Ecolab terminated me allegdly claiming I intimidated& threaten another associate. Not True The associate is the nephew of Penny Jones (HR). I was involved in Union practice with local teamsters in A

Ecolab / Managment
Quigley/Jones/Smith Ecolab violates it own company Handbook against me and others

Carla Smith (Director HR) St Paul MN Jerry Quigley (Plant Mgr) Mcdonough Ga 600 Penny Jones (HR) Mcdonough Ga 600 WRONGFUL TERMINATION

Work, Work, Work - Sued for Working Employees to much and still breaking the law 14 hour Days e

GCS Ecolab equipment care
Technician Incentive Plan... Rip-off

Ed quigley
Edward Quigley Crooked Lawye

Terminated for whistle blowing

Penny Jones
NOKL This woman lied and use retaliation tactics against me after her nephew cursed me out. Penny.

Ecolabs Inc
Consumer Report

Edward J. Quigley, Esquire
Ripped off by Law firm of Ed Quigley