Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report


This company gained access to my checking account. They post, and drafted a check in the amount of $99.49. They will not return phone calls, or emails. Their voice mail keeps you on hold forever, only to return you to the original message. This group of scum is a new parasite that is prying into, and on the general public's hard earned monies / saving, and checking accounts. They are able to gain access, by posting debit's, at a alarming rate. To date they have stolen $640,000.00, of which non has been recovered. Again they come under the name PREMIER MEMBERSHIP CLUBS. Everyone beware.

Company: Premier Membership Clubs
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
ZIP: 97208-4120
Address: P.O. Box 4120
Phone: 8183805710
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Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier membership clubs
Stole from my checking account

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
PMC ( unauthorized withdrawal from bank account

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report