Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report


Looked on my bank account today, and saw this company that had taken 99.49 26.00 overdraft charge, as this bank account I do not use, and have not used it in 3 weeks. Did what you all did, called my bank, printed out this info, called the company which is a joke, as they are scammers, so obviously they don't answer the phone, and give everyone the run around, sent e-mail, left a nasty VM message, and then went to my bank and did what everyone should do the easy way, disputed the charge. They reversed the fee, etc... I hope they get shut down soon, profiting over 1,344, 391,161.98 to date and counting is obscene for wire fraud! Does anyone know where else to report this too, besides BBB, Complaints, etc?

Company: Premier Membership Clubs
Country: USA
State: Oregon
City: Portland
ZIP: 97208-4120
Address: P.O. Box 4120
Phone: 8183805710
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Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
PMC are nothing but a bunch of scammers and I want my money back

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report

Premier Membership Clubs
Consumer Report