Fond Sprays Perfum
Consumer Report


On-line there was a free offer for perfume. All I had to do was pa $5.99 for shipping and handling. Perfume arrived a week later. On June 3, $95.00 was debited from my account. When I called Fond Sprays, they said I had two weeks to try out the perfume and if I was not satisfied I can send it back. If not sent back, they charge you $95.00 the first month and $45.00 every month after that for additional perfumes. They said all of this was on their web site. I'll didn't see it.

Company: Fond Sprays Perfum
Country: USA
State: California
City: Burbank
ZIP: 91504
Address: 827 North Hollywood way, #122
Phone: 8883870420
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Fond Sprays
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Fond Sprays
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Fond Sprays
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Fond Sprays
Consumer Report

Fond Sprays
Consumer Report

Fond Sprays
Consumer Report

Fond Sprays
Consumer Report

Fond Sprays Perfum
Consumer Report