Rewards Flow
Consumer Report


I got a message sayin I had won 1 of 4 prizes so I went ahead & followed really more to prove a point & just as I had thought it got to the point of wanting a credit card number. You know It's hard enough to believe that you've won somethin like they offer just randomly like they say but to make u do offers & surveys & make you pay for them on top of that, that's downright rediculous. Neways i hope my complaint can still be seen since o didnt actually lose nething. I just feel like ppl need 2 keep taking the time out 2 do this maybe these ppl can b shut down that would b WONDERFUL!!! Thank u for your time

Company: Rewards Flow
Country: USA
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Phillip johnson
Barb ferguson or somethin like that sent me an email as mrs christina lewis her husband had died of cancer and she was goin to herself and she didnt want to give the money to her greedy family so she didnt say

Panda Research
Have completed $107 in surveys, and still have not recieved payout check
Fraud or scam of rewards

Failed to deliver ordered goods (and makes no effort to make things right)

TikTik Cash
TikTik Cash is a complete scam, have $191 in completed offers, and have shown proof of completed offers, but still have not recieved payout check!

Davada Rager
Exclusive rewards they offer free stuff but don't let you finish the surveys to get free offers city in florida
Never a prize

WLI Reservation-Rewards

There were never "paid surveys" never refunded my memebership fee as promised

I-deal Rewards
I don't think they deal in good faith with second time customers ripoff