Joe Connells
Consumer Report


Is a very good looking man, claims to be a christian man is on a lot of dating sites, facebook, Said, "he fear God" I don't think he know who he messing with when he speaks of god. The oil company list he work for does not exists. He supposeability has a daughter in boarding school. Need $890.00 for trip for her the day after he got the $50.00.By the 14th of the month, As soon as you do not do it you, he's disappointed him. Also, tells you he loves you will spend the rest of your days with you. Promise you the moon. Ask you to be his Wife the whole works.

Company: Joe Connells
Country: USA
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Moon's Construction and Remodeling
Christian Moon's Remodeling Ripoff and Con Artist, liar and cheater Concord/Charlotte Area

WAYN (Accronym For Where Are You Now)
WAYN (Accronym For Where Are You Now) WAYN hacks or hijacks personal e-mail address books

Jetro Samson
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Not a company: name is: ngoran anderson yao (individual)
Consumer Report

Dating Scam Christian Mingle, They Do Not Research Who They Allow
Consumer Report

Consumer Report Co./
Consumer Report

Ricky Destain Raymond
Destain Raymond-Joseph Raymond-Dick Raymond-Raymond Joseph Convincing, earns trust easily, god fearing, honest, good man

Ruben Alvarez
Consumer Report