Consumer Report


The important thing to grasp is: don't mess with this company/website. You will lose a lot of money. Being a basically sensible person I admit to myself that I was a bloody fool to get involved. I don't quite know how the temptation to get involved came to me but I was greedy for a cheap deal so was vulnerable. I continued "bidding" for more than 24 hours for an iPad that "sold" or was "won" to use the company'd jargon for £156. I cannot prove that the auction was rigged. I cannot prove anything except that this was essentially a gambling experience in which I lost a lot of money. If you read carefully what the site says you will see that there is no incompatibility between what I have just said and what they claim which presumably makes them "legit." If I had my way I would hold them to account and close them down. Unfortunately that is not within my power. Do not be deceived by any assurances or messages emanating from the site itself of persons purporting to represent the site. You stand to lose A LOT OF MONEY. If you limit your financial liability you stand to lose A BIT LESS MONEY. Whatever way, you stand to lose. Take the time to read what people have to say on the internet about this site and if you disagree with my opinion, please do make your views strongly felt. That includes you, Michelle, whoever you are or are not, because the person who types your messages is a DECEIVER. It is not necessary for me to resort to expletives to make my view strongly felt although I understand and forgive those who have done so. The important thing to grasp is: don't pay money into this site! Why should you be so stupid as to do so in the first place pleeeeeeease! I ask you. And I ask myself. Not the end of the world. Just a learning experience to teach me not to be scammed. Oh yes, I nearly forgot, they spend a lot of effort in saying they are not scamming you. Hmmmmmm.

Country: USA
State: New York
City: NY
ZIP: 10013
Address: 99 Hudson Street, 5th Floor
Phone: 3055168121
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Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Consumer Report Penny Auction Site Penny Auction Site Biduh Penny Auction Site Penny Auction SCAMS! DON'T WASTE YOUR MONEY. Shill bidding company
Consumer Report
This ruins people's lives. Site is a scam and its a fraud. Not an auction site, a gambling site. False advertisment
Consumer Report
Consumer Report
Consumer Report