Consumer Report


A man with an indian accent called and said there was a lawsuit against me and that I would be arrested at work tomorrow. My brother googled the number and revealed that this number is running a scam. Some how this person had my ssn please put a stop to this. People are being hurt from this.

Company: 7075066790
Country: USA
State: California
Address: Address Not Yet on File
Phone: 7075066790
  <     >  


United Collectiions
United Verifications Called myself and MY BROTHER. Yold me I was a criminal and would be behind bars in prison by the next day. Got my brother all upset and he had a seizure that night. I was so upset&I owe NOBODY NO

Department of Legal Affairs and Investigation
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Department of law and investigation
A person with a indian accent called my house phone saying his name was officer adam smith stating that he has a lawsuit against me he has called back several times as officer james brown

N/a Scam to charge people $199 to remove their profile on Facebook. I think the accent is Indian

707-506-6790 Dept of Legal Affairs and Investigation
Consumer Report

Mpower Commnication
Consumer Report

Wilson and Morgan Law Firm or American Cash
Consumer Report

Consumer Report