Pura Silk
Consumer Report


This scam continues and angers me greatly. They are known under 5 or 6 other companies - DO NOT PURCHASE. I was tempted after Christmas and purchased the two trial samples around £6 each. Samples arrived late January. On a business trip to London, was advised by husband that on checking bank statements that money (est £75) had come out from American company. Did not want to pry as thought I was treating myself. On reviewing all statements, various companies had extracted amounts (est £75) for 2 days each month since January.By the time he had tallied it up - came to est £540. Many calls to bank and was asked to call merchants as I had 'signed up' to it. Obviously I was completely unaware of this - tend to think I do have some intelligence! Phone call (to America) started with advisor wanting to nsell me some more? Moved to offer of refund of last payment - you can understand my feelings at this time. As advised by my bank, I had to state to them that I wished to cancel my subscription (even though I did not know I had opened one!), otherwise they would continue to collect monies from myn account - first important step to take! I kept calm, was very clear in my words and demands and after this wasted time, asked for their supervisor/manager. He then tried to sell me more too, then moved onto 50% of total payments and after I explained that I had been in touch with fraud departement of the bank and that I would look to involve lawyers, managed to get verbal offer of a full refund. Monies were in my bank over the course of a week - I won! It has taught me a huge lesson in reading all fine print. I have found out from the bank that scams are wide at present on face creams/teeth whiteners/vitamins. The magazines that advertise should not be doing so as they are leading innocent customers into a huge trap.

Company: Pura Silk
Country: USA
State: California
City: Brea
ZIP: 92821
Address: 2500 E. Imperial Hwy, Suite 201-273
Phone: 18002408307
Site: purasilk.com
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