Bryan Anod Hungbeerg
Consumer Report


Bryan got on my face book profile end of 10/11 and we started to face book, email, chat and then he called me from supposedly UK where he lived and worked at Fed Ex but then in 11/11, he went to Benin & met his deceased father's lawyer to sell his father's company. The lawyer died, then he was in taxi accident on way to airport to see me & $ stolen and then was attacked and $ stolen and then the gov't wanted the tax $ on the company - all this time I was sending him $ and he was to fly out to see me and always something happened. Now he says he got to Amsterdam but the Benin Gov't have him under arrest there because he owes them $ for the company taxes - if the law firm was real they would know before hand that taxes needed to be paid first and now they are saying the California company who bought the Benin Company is not going to pay the $37,400. Taxes due to release Bryan to let him go to CA and get the company in their name and get the $ owed him so he can pay off his bills. He took himself off face book but a lady he friended on hers went thru my facebook to leave him a message & found out he was messaging her since Feb and saying the same things to her as to me almost word for word - she didn't want a relationship w/him and stopped in May but we were going to be married when he got over here and all lies - he has no phone but must have access to computer since he was face booking her while supposedly in lockup in Amsterdam with no phone although he did call me a few times on the guy who was in immigrations watching him. Now that I have no more $ and in debt I rarely hear from him - It has been a week -I continue to email him since I know he gets on line and tell him what I think - his law firm is in France and don't speak English except for the secretary who has been on her honeymoon and the lawyer sent me an email at 4 AM their time this morning explaining that the gov't wants $37,400. More for taxes or they will deport Bryan back to Benin in 2 weeks and that I should get a loan and bail him out again after spending $200,000 of my $- I told him I had nothing and may not have a car or house because I couldn't pay any bills and that the California company buying it should pay it and deduct it from what they will owe Bryan for the sale of the Benin company but won't do it - I wrote Bryan and the lawyer and told them they were scammers - the law firm is Richard Steels Chambers Law Firm in France but I couldn't Google or Yahoo it. All fake I'm sure - Bryan was on Spokeo back in Dec and I told him and he said someone put him on it and then he was off of it - I emailed and talked to a woman he was chatting with for a year in Fl and we compared notes - he dropped her after I told him but I'm sure there are others especially after this last one got on my facebook about him - he must have a form letter he sends everyone since the words are all the same. I have his passport visa # from UK, and a picture of his UK license but it is all probably fake and I know I am out of the $ but I dont want others to fall for his baloney and be heart broken like I am. I should have known better and didn't listen to anyone and now I'm broke and heart broken! Their phone # can have a scanner on it that roams so you don't know where they are calling from - he had one with the area code from UK and then in Benin had the 229 exchange but he could be anywhere - BEWARE AND PLEASE DON'T GIVE THEM ANY $! Thank you, Jane Woerne

Company: Bryan Anod Hungbeerg
Country: USA
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