Consumer Report


This charge was identified as CyberDefender software renewal but I did not order it.in fact I had cancelled my subscription more than a year ago.

There is no way to contact them except online and then they never respond.

Company: DRI*MaxMySpeed
Country: USA
State: California
City: Santa Monica
ZIP: 90405
Address: 3340 Ocean Park Blvd., Suite 1060
Phone: 2136898631, 8667930453, 3105816250, 8884279359
Site: maxmyspeed.com
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CyberDefender This is a rip off. I purchased their software and was told to dial number to activate the software. I dialed the number and a recording comes on that says that I have dialed a number that can't be rea

Cyber Defender Corp
MaxMySpeed Software App Unauthorized charge to my Visa acct for $54.67 on Dec 20. Never dealt with this company on any level

Greenfield Lending Service
Fraud ripoff dishonest disgusting


Financing Alternatives
Ripoff offered to take payments to own a computer without instrest fee i completed my payments in december and still have no computer they took a total of 1,5500

Cyberdefender.com Offer trial with satisfaction or money back TY commercial, then direct you to salesman for $400 pitch and fight you to get a refund if you don't bite

First national credit
Gold card 15.000 limit MY ASS! It's A scam

MWI Connections & MemberWorks
Ripoff unauthorized credit card billings

CyberDefender Corporation
$424.98 "renewal" without permission!

Ascentive Software - Finnalyfast.com
Fraudulent notice of renewal of software never ordered and threaten to automatically charge credit card on file