AJ Ritchies
Consumer Report


Beware!!! I placed an order with aj ritchies on 5/26 for an $860 camera, including expedited shipping, which was to be a gift for my son who was turning 21. The reason it was so important is that he has a life-threatening auto-immune disease and the fact that he made it to 21 is something to be celebrated. Due to hospital bills, I had to shop for a best price and got sucked in like so many others. All the email addresses they provide on their website are bogus and my emails were returned so I cancelled my order by phone after the birthday had come and gone with no camera. It had not been shipped and they cancelled the order. But as of today, I have not been refund my money so I can't afford a gift for my son. I will pursue legal action and hound this company until I do. My son deserved better.

Company: AJ Ritchies
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
ZIP: 10001
Address: 244 5th Avenue, Suite J-231
Phone: 7186799937, 8888711256
Site: ajrichies.com
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Aj Richies
Won't refund money

US1Camera / US1Photo
US1Camera Billed for a cancelled order over a week after it was cancelled

Digital Etailer.com
This site is run by liars or idiots, you decide

Best Choice Digital
Bestchoicedigital.com Ripoff Bait and switch I ordered a camera got the email confirmation then was told I had to order OTHER items in order to get the price I had been promised

Do not use them

Royal Camera

Sourcefordigital.com Cancelled my order when I wouldn't add overpriced accessories

They’re liars

Consumer Report

The Digital Nerds
Beware of this scam company!