GoJo Hands Free
Consumer Report


This was supposed to have been $10 plus $7.50 shipping and handling, but ended up being $56.59 due to false advertising. They said they were including a second free set, but when placing the order, the order form wouldn't accept "1" as the quantity ordered. So the second set is free right? And they must need "2" to be checked. Wrong. The total, much higher cost is not revealed until after the transaction, as an "order confirmation." There is no contact information available on the confirmation or on the web site.

Company: GoJo Hands Free
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Wallingford
ZIP: 06494
Address: P.O. Box 3179
Phone: 8663056541
Site: gojohandsfree.com
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GoJo Hands Free
Consumer Report

GoJo Hands Free
Consumer Report

GoJo Hands Free
Consumer Report

GoJo Hands Free
Consumer Report

GoJo Hands Free
Consumer Report

GoJo (TM) Hands Free Canada
Consumer Report

All star marketing group
Gojo overcharged me by $71.80!

FreeSnuggie Nothing FREE about "FreeSnuggie!" Shipping & Handling RIP-OFF! Beware!

GoJo Hands Free
Consumer Report

GoJo Hands Free
Consumer Report