Sgt. Beau Hunt, Tammie S. Farlow
Consumer Report


This man posing as an army Sgt contacted me via a dating website I had recently joined, said he has been deployed to Afghanistan for nearly 2 yrs, says he's divorced, that 6 yrs ago he found his wife and best friend in bed together. That he's ready to "move on" with his life, so we started talking, naturally I assumed he was legit, didn't realize that there might have been some way to check for sure. He says he's had no reason to take any leave as his mother is caring for his 14 yr old son in West London, but that since meeting me, he now wants to come home for leave. So stupid me, I fell for it, he tells me that since shortly after to war in Iraq started, that officers on active deployment are not allowed to access their own money until back in the states. I had a bit of hesitation, but brushed it off as I am not familiar with any of the military's funding procedures, so I go along with it, and ended up sending $1,400.00 to a person in Shepherdsville, Kentucky, who is supposedly a trusted travel agent by the name of Tammie Farlow. I should have caught on because he first sent me the name Tami, then asked me to call western union and change it to Tammi, and finally, to Tammie, ugh! How could I have been so stupid?! Now I have researched this scam, and have asked some very pointed questions, like his official army. Mil email given him by the army, and for his APO-FPO address to his base in Afganistan, his response was he would have to ask his general, and see if he could give that out to me. He then says that the money I had alreadysent turned out to not be enough, that he needs more to cover his travel expenses, and cost of flight tickets. At this point I told him I would Not send him any more money, he then tried to tell me I just needed to trust him, and that if I truly "loved" him I would just send him the extra money. I told him I wanted the info I had asked him for, or we had nothing more to discuss, the last he said was he had to go, but would have his general's personal email for me, supposedly with the requested. Mil at the end. He has not contacted me again as of yet. Plz is there any recourse for this???

Company: Sgt. Beau Hunt, Tammie S. Farlow
Country: USA
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