Pura Silk
Consumer Report


The article said "pay only shipping/handling to try Alluria skin cream. I received a full size bottle for which I will be billed $80. When I phoned to sent it back, I was told it wasn't a sample and to send it back or be billed $80. The postage to send it back is $20 plus the $5.00 shipping I aready paid.

This is the last time I'll order anything over the computer. The company was also very rude when I complained.

Company: Pura Silk
Country: USA
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Consumer Report

Pura Silk
Consumer Report

Pura Silk and Alluria
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Mystique face creams
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Pura Silk
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Com-plaint against Pura Silk. Natural Health Network. Office in U.K. And America. I ordered a free sample and now seem to be lunmbered with a monthly suscribtion. Which was not in the details. You cannot get hold of them either here and America. The u.K
Consumer Report

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