Facebook - Fb. Me/cc
Consumer Report


On May 22 I noticed on my bank statement 8 charges for this date. After completely going through my statement I noticed 2 other charges from 05-11 all of these were listed as FACEBOOK.com. These all add up to $325.80 not includeing any overdraft charges.

Company: Facebook - Fb. Me/cc
Country: USA
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Facebook - Fb. Me/cc
Consumer Report

Face Book - fb. Me/cc
Consumer Report

Consumer Report

Charges for facebook credits

Charges to debit card not authorized

Facebook.com www.fb. Me/cc
Consumer Report

Facebook - Fb. Me/cc
Consumer Report

Got my Bank statement in and geting cheaged by FaceBook.com has numbers then fb. Me so far the total is 77.00 dollars and do not know who is doing this on here. Need to know how to get this off thanks
Consumer Report

Facebook - Fb. Me/cc
Consumer Report

Facebook - Fb. Me/cc
Consumer Report