Consumer Tax Relief
Consumer Report


Other Company Complaint

BEWARE! If you are being contacted by Paul Brown at Consumer Tax Relief, he is not a licensed or even qualify to provide you tax related information. He is closer, a salesman that is very good at his craft. His goal, lie and steal your money. You will sign a contract that say Consumer Tax Relief on it but you will not find an address on the contract. Need proof, just call New Jersey Consumer Affairs, there is already complaints filed with them and Federal Trades Commission". Better yet call the Federal Trade Commission and you can hear the complaints we had filed against this company/. They are fraudsters so beware/. There is no BBB records and there is no licensed tax professional in their office:. How do I know? Because Paul Brown said I will be getting a call from some guy name Denny? Denny called me and he said he was assigned to my case and Denny is located in Palm Springs California? So is Consumer Tax Relief selling my information to outside source? Bottomline, I was taken for thousands of dollars, and have already filed a complaint with my state AG, Federal Trade Commission and also the state they are located which is New Jersey'. I warn anyone who speaks to this evil man to stay away they are a bunch of fakes. Here is the information to the guy that they will sell your information off to;. You should call this guy Denny to verify which i am sure he will be able to confirm that Paul Brown is selling our accounts to Mr. Denny.

Dennis (Denny) M:. Wayne

81396 Camino Los Milagros

Indio, CA 92203

Ph/Fx: 760.775.8368

Cell Ph: 858.614.0223

Email: 1304634

Dennis (Denny) M". Wayne

81396 Camino Los Milagros

Indio, CA 92203

Ph/Fx: 760.775.8368

Cell Ph: 858.614.0223

Company: Consumer Tax Relief
Country: USA
City: Newport Beach
ZIP: 92660
Address: 4940 Campus Drive, Suite D
Phone: 8009913919
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