America's Retail Marketing Group
Consumer Report


On May 15th I received a letter stating that I was selected to be a shopping auiditor and my application was received through a job search data bank. I was on a paid probation and to deposit the check in my Bank within 48 hrs of receiving the letter. I deposit the check due to it looked so authentic and my bank immediately made $100 available and the remaining funds was released on 05/16. I was to fax (305-489-0543) the receipts of the 2 places I shopped at along with a "Customer Satisfaction Evaluation Tool" form and I called 305-328-9457 to inform of the completion of the assignment according to the letter. I began to ask "Andrew Lawrence" questions about is this a scam or money laundering scheme and he assured me no. He wanted me to wired the remaining funds back to NY to an "Ashley Toleman." I should have known this was a scam but thought this was a way of earning extra income since I just returned back to work less than a month ago. I checked my account that evening on May 17th and my account was in the negative amount that was the face of the check ($1978.67). The check was of course returned due to insufficient funds and now my account is negative and I just set up direct deposit with my employer and now I have to work on getting my accounts back in order. This is truly a lesson learned and it seem like there should be some type of compensation for this scam. I called the number back after my account went in the negative to inform him (Andrew Lawrence) that no wire transfer would be made due to the check bounced and he stated do not worry about it, it will be straighten out. I had to return the items back to the store and felt so belittled because I thought this was a legitimate job. Please do not be a victim to this America's Retail Marketing Group Scam.

Company: America's Retail Marketing Group
Country: USA
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