Public Yellow Pages
Consumer Report


Same as everyone else. Get a call claiming I'm past due for a $599.99 invoice from a company I'd never heard of claiming an employees authorized advertising with them. Of course the employee has no idea what they're talking about. Its been 3 months now and I'm constantly getting calls and faxes. Just got a call from their "legal department." The invoice is now up to $767.25 with the "interest charges." They aren't getting a dime from me, I can tell you that.

Company: Public Yellow Pages
Country: USA
State: New York
City: New York
ZIP: 10174
Address: 405 Lexington Ave, Chrysler Building, 26th Floor
Phone: 8008819495
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Yellow Pages Prime
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages Prime
Consumer Report

Public Yellow Pages 405 Lexington Ave. New York
Consumer Report

Online Public Yellow Pages
Consumer Report

Public Yellow Pages 405 Lexington Avenue New York, NY 10174
Consumer Report

Public Pages
Consumer Report

Public Yellow Pages
Consumer Report

Yellow Pages Prime
Consumer Report

Online Public Yellow Pages
Consumer Report

Online Public Yellowpages
Consumer Report