Brighter Image Labs
Consumer Report


So I ordered press on veneers and it took 3 months to get, I wish I would have read the complaints before I jumped into the purchase. They arrived yesterday they wont even fit my teeth. Just generic plastic piece that wasnt even made to fit me im pissed

Company: Brighter Image Labs
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Fort Worth
ZIP: 76109
Address: 2433 South University Drive
Phone: 8172078200
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Brighter Image Dental Lab
Press-on veneers, professional teeth whitening, dental image, brighter image tooth whitening gel, Msc Dvelopment, Inc., Brighter Image DentalLaboratory, LARCENY AFTER TRUST

Brighter Image veneers
Do not Deal with this company! Do not sign the agreement that relieves them of all responsibility

Brighter image lab
Preessonveneers complete fraud and ripoff. Took complete payment without my permission. Sent me nothing that i ordered! Internet

Brighter Image Dental
Consumer Report

Brighter Image Dental
Consumer Report

Brighter Image-Dental Laboratory Systems
Press On Veneers Sent veneers that doesn't fit. Nothing like Snap on Smile. Impressions done without dentist to save cost but not worth it. Took 4 months to get veneers that don't fit after sending in two impression

Brighter Image Dental Labs
Laurie Hall, This company a Total RIP OFF! Brighter Image Labs AKA, Laurie Hall and Bill Watson are a scam artist

Brighter Image Dental
Consumer Report

Brighter Image Dental Labs
Press on veneers This company a Total RIP OFF! Laurie Hall and Bill Watson are a scam artist

Brighter Image Lab. Press On
Consumer Report