SportDip. Me
Consumer Report


Unauhorized charge using my personal bank card... So i did a little online research and discovered countless complaints similar to mine claiming this company is nothing but a scam. So i called them and got some foreign sounding lady on the phone... She kept putting me off stating she was trying to find my info so i let on that i was aware they were nothing but a scam and the freaking lady hung up on me, i called right back and held til someone answered and as soonas i said hello they hung up again. So i called for a 3rd and 4th time only to get a recording to call back during business hours. I had to call my bank and have my card replaced... Which works out WONDERFUL that i am getting married in exactly 8 days wont get my new card until i return from the honeymoon, and oh yeah did i mention i dont have access to my money to pay the hotel or for gas money for our trip!!! I am not a happy girl... I will be reporting this stuoid scam of a freaking company

Company: SportDip. Me
Country: USA
State: Virginia
City: Virginia Beach
ZIP: 23450
Address: Address Not Yet on File
Phone: 2063306832
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SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report, GTA Hotel, Met Global, GTA Hotel TOTAL RIP OFF - DO NOT USE! Online

Consumer Protection Financial Advisory Board
Tried to rip us off SCAM

SportDip. Me
Consumer Report

Ramada, Imperial Majesty Cruise Line
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National Platinum
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SportDip. Me
Consumer Report