Consumer Report


Ordered what i thought was a free trial but its a big scam and its cost me £74.94 plus other amounts of £5.13 not ordered any more and didnt want any more looked back at statements and found this money deducted without consent very bad company and very bad ethics its theft from my account karen

Company: Unknown
Country: USA
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Dead sea beauty kit
Dead sea beauty kit company is complete fraud. They stole 87.95 gbp from my account without my consent. I ordered a trial pack. And have not used it yet. I need my money back at any cost

Total Cleanse
Ordered the free trial offer several weeks later large amounts of money withdrawn from my account. Phone number not valid. Please beware. Unknown unknown

Free sample ordered, now 88.97 deducted from my account!

Organa Slim
Consumer Report

Nexgen Labs
Major scam!

Nexgen Labs
Phenterthin liars, scam and a major ripoff Oklahoma City Oklahoma

Consumer Report

Pro Action Acai
Consumer Report

SkinEnhanced.com (Revitalise Health & Beauty)
Consumer Report

Consumer Report