Publisher clearing house with bank of america
Consumer Report


I was called by a man named Robert Milton saying I have won 850,000 and it will be delivered today. I was given an access # for the gift transaction and told it was from the Federal Government and IRS in attempts to get rid of "back tax funds that had caused us to go into a recession" (AMAZING HUH???) I was told that Dave Sawyer from PCH would be arriving with UPS for this Gift - I don't know anyone by that name but was told he is the guy that gives out gifts from Publishers Clearing House which I have no clue about as I never watch TV and have never made an entry to any Publisher Clearing House Prizes.
I hung up and they called back and had supposedly transferred me to a member of a credit card company I use. The name was Wolis Wallgreen that returned this call. He ask if I was a Senior Citizen due to the fact that I would be receiving an additional "gift basket" if I were. I refused to authorize any payments for shipping or receipt of my gift because I told him I was skeptical about the entire call. He said he would email me the information for my access to review.
I immediately got online and found this site when I googled PCH and Dave Sawyer.
I never disclosed any information regarding my Credit card to the persons on the phone, but have contacted my CC for possible fraudulent activity. They have agreed to monitor my account for the above, and took the information I received on the call.

Another BOTHERSOME phone call closely related to the tons of telemarketers I hear from almost daily. If anyone has advise on how to stop all the calls I welcome your input.

Company: Publisher clearing house with bank of america
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Port Washington
ZIP: 11050
Address: 382 Channel Drive
Phone: 5168835432, 8764806585, 2022416936
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Publishers Clearing House
Consumer Report

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Publishers Clearing House
Consumer Report

Area Circulation
Fraudulent Billing