Yuniedage S*P*A
Consumer Report


I reviewed my bank account statement and saw the charge for $75.01 and international transaction fee for this company. This is a very low life person (s) doing this internationaly. I don't know how they scam so many people but the banks continue to forward our money to these bastards with no questions asked. How long can these lowlife mfs go unpunished?

Company: Yuniedage S*P*A
Country: USA
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Yuniedage S*P*A
Consumer Report

Yuniedage S*P*A
Consumer Report

Yuniedage S*P*A
Consumer Report

Yuniedage S*P*A
Consumer Report

TWX Or Time Warner
TWX Thank You GiftsTWX Or Time Warner Inc. These bastards charged me $69.79 for a gift charge I never did. I just checked my credit card statement and there it was. Or Stamford Conneticut

Consumer Report

Yuniedage S*P*A
Consumer Report

Yuniedage S*P*A
Consumer Report

Yuniedage S*P*A
Consumer Report

Consumer Report