Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report


I was enformed my friend won a gift card and to go to a site Myfreecard.Biz/claim. I was told to enter the word "free" as i had indeed won. This was to no avail and thus came to this site as i too think this crap should be halted as my time is the only thing i have and do not want to bring others with me in wasted hopes and time trying to collect a prize that seemed beleiveable. I dont know how but think my time and friends whom helped should be paid back. So i think 2 gift cards and a $500 emotional setback should be awarded if able. I think walmart should be made to prosicute this

Company: Walmart Gift Card
Country: USA
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Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report

Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report MyFreeCard.Biz/Claim
Consumer Report MyFreeCard.Biz/Claim
Consumer Report

Walmart. MyFreeCard.Biz/Claim
Consumer Report

Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report Fkld.Biz/WM
Consumer Report

Walmart. MyFreeCard.Biz/Claim
Consumer Report

Walmart. MyFreeCard.Biz/Claim
Consumer Report

Walmart Gift Card
Consumer Report